
Can my pet contract Listeriosis?   What is Listeriosis? Listeriosis is a foodborne illness caused by the Listeria Monocytogenes Bacteria. This bacteria causes sporadic bacterial infections that affect a wide…

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Rob The Robust Retreiver’s Doggie Day Care Adventure

The deafening quiet echoed all around me. Loneliness hung over me like a heavy blanket. The song, I’m so lonely droned in my head. How many hours until my owner…

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Sir Perciful The Persian’s Holiday Experience

So there I was, I couldn’t believe my owner, Cathy, had done this to me. I had performed the whole way to the cattery in my travel box, right through…

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Fiona The French Poodle’s Muddy Muddle

Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes pear shaped. Well I had one of those days last Tuesday. It all started on my morning walk. It…

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Jack the Labrador

Hi I am Jack, the Labrador I gotta be honest, walking through that front door, I had no idea what to expect. Last time I was taken off in the car, …

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Badham’s Kennels, Stone River Blvd, Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa